Friday, October 17, 2008

life, living& art

Life, living, and art work together the way the organs of the whole human body work together in consonance and the way the universe is one but many forms of matter working together. Life, living, and art are not matters of choice. Any one with life has to live, and anyone living has to have art. All attempts at separating life, living, and art organically and systemically and assigning each an identity bereft of the others is an academic conveninence but going beyond it and accepting it as reality is surely politically motivated or else a game of looking for mod cons.
The whole game plan of modelling mock-ups of the fundamental exercise of art as a living is a roll-on roll-off romance or a theoretical shell suit.
If any one has ever seen a snake charmer catching a snake or heard him playing upon his flute, or if anyone has ever seen a fisherman preparing a fishing net, or if anyone has ever seen a mason building a house in a remote rural setting, or a lawyer pleading his client's case would easily see the modus vivendi working out there inspite of the obvious clashes. It is the dialectical coexistence which is the reality of matter, material and labour.
Now when we have post modren world of connetivity, no-connectivity and disconnectivity and pseudo connectivity etc. etc. where language has taken over the fundamental human existence of labour, the possibilty of labouring on discourses rahter than labouring on the actual ground of matter has multiplied. Not just that the labour on discourses has matched the labour on matter, it has excelled in the art of multiiplying realities, turning it in to harlequin. Thus life, living, and art are cultural products rather than the fundamental forces of giving the universe a sense and existence.
Continued... ( some other time)

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